November Chapter Gathering

We have a presentation Saturday, November 9th!  10:30am, 60 Aviation Way, WEAC hangar.

Kurt Long is an Aerospace Engineer, who works for the Experimental Aero-Physics Branch from NASA Ames Research Center.  Since 2017, Kurt has been assigned to NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC), Edwards AFB, as an Operations Engineer, to support flight test, air data system design, and pilot life support system design for the NASA/Lockheed Low Boom Flight Demonstrator (X-59) aircraft.

For this talk, Kurt will provide some historical perspective to the NASA Low Boom Flight Demonstrator (LBFD) Project, a review of historic barriers to commercial supersonic flight, and a summary of the basic principles of sonic booms.  The talk will focus on the X-59 design, early concept evolution, and mission overview.  Click on the picture below for the recorded video.  It isn't great and airplane noise makes it hard to hear sometimes.  Also, questions are impossible to hard to hear.

EAA 119

Annual Report

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